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June 30, 2011

I have recently moved around the Orlando area and unless you have been living in a cave, you have heard about the Casey Anthony trial that is ongoing. I have spent much of the last month watching the trial unfold witness after witness. I have also had the pleasure reality of observing first hand the decline of present day society. One has to look no further than to places like Twitter and the #CaseyAnthony hash tag to witness was our society has devolved to.

Just how bad has it become?

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Federal Government Shutdown Looming

April 8, 2011

As we near the inevitable shutdown of our Federal government, over 800,000 families will be impacted financially. As voters, I sure hope each and every one of you notice one important thing. While many Federal organizations and offices will be closed, our “esteemed” elected legislators will continue to collect a paycheck. Let me repeat. The same idiots who cannot come to a compromise for the good of the people on the tax revenue that WE have paid into the system for programs that WE have funded, will CONTINUE to receive a paycheck. This is exactly why both sides will allow a shutdown to commence.

What’s This? Scott Walker LIED? Color Me Shocked

April 8, 2011

Remember, not that long ago, Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, laid out a plan for his state budget. He claimed that the state’s public workers and their “generous” benefits package was breaking the states back. He wanted to remove the collective bargaining rights of public workers in Wisconsin and claimed, if successful, would more than help balance the state’s budget.

According to this report, Governor Walker is full of shit. Not only did the removal of Wisconsin’s citizens right to collectively bargain, it will not balance his state’s budget as he claimed it would and will leave cities to bare the brunt of the failure. Now, city managers and mayors will be forced to fire or lay off employees in their cities where outrage will be deflected from those actually responsible; Scott Walker and his Republican assholes legislators.

Congrats Governor, you have confirmed everything teachers and union members everywhere have said what your true intention is.

Shame on You President Obama

April 4, 2011

See, I am not one sided. President Obama announced today that he will run for re-election and hopes to raise over $1 Billion for his campaign. Are you flipping serious? He wants to raise $1 Billion so he can keep his job another 4 years? This is exactly what is wrong with our country. We have idiot Republicans wanting to cut billions upon billions from much needed public programs and schools yet Obama thinks it is okay to raise all of this money to spend on getting him elected as President once again.

Remember, politicians do not want political reform nor do they want campaign finance reform or limitations.

Still think the general public union is the problem?

Who Gets More Respect: Porn Stars or Public Workers?

April 1, 2011

So here we are. The assault on public employees is in full force. Ohio recently dealt a deadly blow to their state’s public workers. The asshole politicians here in Florida have decided to address the public outcry of unionized public workers and passed a bill to prevent these individuals from having their union dues deducted from their paychecks. They are calling it a “paycheck protection” bill.

Let me break it down for you what it really is.

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Where Are Education Cuts Truly Needed?

March 27, 2011

While I have spent the majority of the past several months, railing against freshmen Republican Governors and their attempts to gut education and due process rights of teachers, one thing still remains clear when it comes to education funding. There are a ton of places that public education can cut that would lessen their reliance on public funding from the state and federal government.

At the two previous high schools I had the pleasure of teaching at, both highly valued their sports programs. Riverdale, my first school, seemed to gravitate around the success of its football program especially as they neared winning their district title and reaching the playoffs. It seemed as if each week we had some sort of pep rally to show support for the football team. These pep rallies shortened the teaching periods and students loved it because they got out of class. Yet, I can’t seem to recall any sort of assemblies that encouraged student performance on standardized testing.

My second school, relatively new, spent the first part of the semester going crazy over the success of their football team. After spending two years going winless, Baker Bulldogs won their first game. Students were crazy with excitement as the wins started to mount as they positioned themselves for the playoffs. Again, like Riverdale, I recall several assemblies for students to rally around the football team’s success.

The difference between these two schools? Riverdale was annually average when it came to school grades, receiving a C each year since school grades were introduced. Baker was a B and continually improving. However, near the end of the school year, myself among others, were told we were not being renewed because of budget cuts. Yet the sports programs at both schools continued on. Did I forget to mention I was part of the coaching staff during my second year at Riverdale?

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Creating Jobs Was Your Priority Governor?

March 24, 2011

Governor Scott, you claimed that your number one priority was to create 700,000 jobs for Floridians yet the only bill this far in this legislative session to receive your signature was the “Student Destruction” err… “Student Success” bill. So I ask you again, Governor, just where in the hell are your true priorities?

(sidenote: You are truly very creepy in the way you are leering at Michelle Rhee in the photo to the left. Just saying!)

Thank You Republicans….Seriously!

March 24, 2011

As I laid in bed last night, drifting off to sleep, I could not help but to toss and turn with the railroading that is occurring in my beloved state of Florida.  Filled with anger, resentment, and dwindling hope, the clouds began to part and a light shown down that helped me put everything into perspective.

I am here to extend my gratitude to the Republican party. That’s right! You heard me. Thank you Republicans and Governor Scott. “Why?” I hear you ask. Why would I extend my appreciation to a group of morons hellbent on destroying everything that is true and dear to my heart?

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I Will Call A Spade, A Spade! Governor Scott: You Are a LIAR!

March 24, 2011

As we all know, Republican Governors everywhere are out to bust the teacher unions and claim how teacher salaries, their benefits, and their “outrageous” pensions are breaking the backs of states nationwide. Republican parties, for example in Florida, cleverly crafted bills designed to implode the ability for unions to provide representation for their members. Republican after Republican thus far in the current legislative sessions, continue to cloak and mislead the general public by putting nice labels on bills who supposed intention was to increase student achievement. What was their true intention?

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Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

March 15, 2011

When discussing politics and dictatorships, we often hear this phrase. However, one issue that hardly ever comes up after elections and new legislative officials take office and propose legislation designed to piss off one segment of the voting population is the ability to recall an elected official. After further research, I have discovered that while Florida Cabinet members and state legislators cannot be recalled, locally elected leaders can be. Why is the power of recall important to all voters regardless of political party affiliation?

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